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PHP MySQL to MySQLi: Replace mysql functions using the mysqli ex: how to Replace mysql with MySQLi functions using the mysqli

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PHP MySQL to MySQLi: Replace mysql functions using the mysqli ex


Picture of Onyekachi Christian Anajemba by Onyekachi Christian Anajemba - 6 years ago (2017-10-19)

how to Replace mysql with MySQLi functions using the mysqli

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good pls i downloaded the PHP MySQL to MySQLi: Replace mysql functions using the mysqli extension zip file i need help on how to use or run the script. how to make the best use of it

  • 1 Clarification request
  • 1. Picture of Guy BONEMME by Guy BONEMME - 5 years ago (2019-07-12) Reply

    Hi, I implement the mysqli function on a pHp 7.2. Running the script, i got an error message :

    [host] Backend log: PHP Warning: mysqli_error() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, boolean given in /home/eu188706/domains/ on line 136\n

    Ask clarification

    1 Recommendation

    PHP MySQL to MySQLi: Replace mysql functions using the mysqli extension

    This recommendation solves the problem.
    This recommendation does not solve the problem.


    Picture of Dave Smith by Dave Smith package author package author Reputation 6845 - 6 years ago (2017-10-21) Comment

    This is the script you are talking about. All you need to do is include it where your site/script is being initialized and you are done.

    Normally there will be an init, config or connect file where the database connection is being made for all other files. There should be a section where you define the host, user and password. If you place your include just after that part, everything should work just fine.

    There is an instruction file included with the zip download.

    Instead of responding with any other questions here, you should use the support forum for the package which can be found here...

    • 1. Picture of Onyekachi Christian Anajemba by Onyekachi Christian Anajemba - 6 years ago (2017-11-14) Reply

      Good please I need your help with converting MySQL to Mysqli I have downloaded the package but...

    • 2. Picture of Onyekachi Christian Anajemba by Onyekachi Christian Anajemba - 6 years ago (2017-11-15) Reply

      Please can do a job for me contact for negotiation

    • 3. Picture of Onyekachi Christian Anajemba by Onyekachi Christian Anajemba - 6 years ago (2017-11-15) in reply to comment 2 by Onyekachi Christian Anajemba Reply

      Please can you work on a project for me Contact

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